"My plan worked!" exclaimed Little Head Lying Good. "I got rid of him. We don't want to have too many people involved in our plot. First, you have to tell me what your real agreement was with Red Riding Hood."
"My real plan?" said Grandma. "You mean, what actually happened?"
"Well, as few lies as possible. I know it's hard."
"All right," said Grandma. "When Little Red Riding Hood's mother was eaten up by Envies, the house was supposed to go to her. She had helped pay for the house over the years by selling baskets of goodies, and when her mother was first stricken, she asked me to help look after her mother while she worked. I said I would, but she had to sign the house to me, and I would protect her. She was so eager to do everything she could for her mother at that point, I got her to agree."
"Then what happened?" asked Little Head. "Did the arrangement work out?"
"It was a real shame--I could not save the mother from the Envies, and she perished from their wounds."
"So the house is yours. What's the problem?"
"She made me write a statement saying she was just letting me have title to the house while I took care of her mother, and that it really belonged to her. But I never made it legal, as I promised."
"So it's just a simple cause of fraud?" asked Little Head.
"Lying, fraud, call it what you want."
"I call it easy. We just pretend that never happened and that Riding Hood is lying and trying to take your house away. There's just one thing I need you to do before I take care of this."
"What's that?" Grandma asked. "Anything you want."
"Put the house in my name," said Little Head.
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