This is just unspeakable. First, The Pirate steals my earrings. If you recall, these are the earrings my parents brought me from Spain, and now he claims that they changed their minds, can you believe, and decided that he should have my earrings. He got his bottom-feeding pinhead lawyer Pinocchio to file charges against me, saying I was trying to steal back my own earrings, so now it will cost me more to get my earrings back than it will to buy new ones. Of course, it's what the earrings represent; they're what my parents wanted me to have. Now they're an unhappy memory.
It's made worse by The Pirate using the earrings to tempt The Sailor. This is a side of the Sailor I am not so pleased to see, that he can be tempted. I thought he was better than that. A little flamboyant, sure, but a lot of Naval heroes have been dandies, with their frou-frous and frills and funny hats.
I still haven't told The King about any of this. I know, I said I would, but how to do you tell a father--especially a father who is a king--that his daughter was taken by a scoundrel? And now I have to worry about telling him his manly Sailor is deep in The Pirate's Lair, hidden under the Bridge of Misery. I hope The Princess tells him. I hope The Sailor is able to resist temptation.
Have you ever noticed that Hope is rarely as audacious as Action?
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