The problem with making The Magician mad at you (or any magician, for that matter), is that you are transformed into an object based on his whim, and his whim was to make The Pirate and The Penguin into their favorite comestibles. This is an extreme example of You Are What You Eat.
Fairly soon, it becomes apparent that one's favorite treats are also enjoyed by other puppets. The Big Problem is that You are What You Eat becomes You Will Be Eaten.
I am not in the habit of placing thoughts in the minds of inanimate objects other than puppets (we can argue later that they are hardly inanimate when I place them on my hands), but here is the dialogue I hear with the Pirate and the Penguin and their tormentors:
Pirate (aka Beer Bottle): That scurvy Sorcerer! I'll plaster him--although it is kind of nice being stuck in here.
Penguin: I like sardines.
Pirate: Arrrrrgh, so does Miss Kitty there.
Penguin: Miss Kitty!!!??!! Help! Killer!
Kitty: Mew.
Pirate: Blimely! There's a big old Bear sniffing around me!
Bear: Mmmmmmm. Smells like real garbage.
Pirate and Penguin: RUN AWAY!
Bear: Hey--where's that's bottle going? I was going to suck out the last drops.
Kitty: Mew.
Penguin: Let's find The Magician and apologize!
Pirate: Or steal his magic wand.
Penguin: Are you drunk?
Pirate: Pickled. Just like a sardine.
Penguin: That's herring.
Pirate: You'll be a dead herring if you don't run faster.
Kitty: Mew.
Bear: (reaching) Got you!
But just as the Bear was reaching for the Bottle, he tipped over the tipsy Pirate which sent him rolling away much faster than he could run. Kitty jumped on the can of sardines, and batted it like a toy, but that did not make it open. "Mew," mewed Kitty, sadly. But we have to be glad The Penguin is safe while the Pirate goes to find The Magician and apologize--or steal his wand.
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