The Cow said she was prepared to help, too.
Spot was very touched.
The Adventures Of My Favorite Puppets
"Obviously, I can hear perfectly well what you are saying," I countered. "Why would I not hear her?"
"Sometimes people hear only what they want to hear," he answered, a little too quickly, I thought. "You know, everyone around here just loves your Granny, thinks she's the greatest."
"But what does that have to do with anything?" I asked. "She just lied to me, wouldn't let me in the house, and is talking with the Robber."
"She's probably just giving him a handout--she's very generous that way--nothing wrong with giving a bum a handout."
"But what about the fact that she lied to me?"
"You're crazy--your Grandmother doesn't lie," he said.
I explained that I wasn't telling stories, I was just trying to figure out what was going on. Once more, I pointed out the glaring
discrepancies between what Grandma said and what she was actually doing.
"I'm sure there's a very simple solution," the Policeman said, "First of all, with that Hood over your ears, maybe you didn't hear right."