The argument over who could sue who was rudely interrupted by an overpowering stench. It was the kind of smell you get from fish that has been left out too long.
"That darn kitty punctured my top with her claws!" complained the can of sardines, which if you recall, was really the Pirate's friend, The Penguin, transformed by The Magician. "Thank goodness I found you!"
"Go AWAY!" said Darth Vaden and Pinocchio. "You're making us sick."
"How did you break the spell?" asked The Penguin.
"Arrrr, easy, I was regurgitated," said The Pirate.
"SHUT UP!" said Darth Vaden and Pinocchio, but because they were holding their noses, it sounded more like "What's for supper?"
"Eat me," pleaded The Penguin, getting closer to them.
Suddenly, Pinocchio and Darth Vaden disappeared, like ghosts. OK, one of them could be classified as a ghost already, but the point is, they ran away, leaving the Pirate and the Penguin (as stinky sardines) with the Monkeys.
"I have an idea!" said the Monkey.
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