Monday, July 13, 2009


The Pirate sat up. "Possibly, I would. I am so inclined."

"You are not inclined, you are sitting up," Lily May the June bug pointed out.

"Arrrgh, you are a simple bug, you are," said The Pirate. "If you will do me just a little favor, I shall gladly share my bottle with you."

"Anything, of course," said Lily May, "what may I do?"

"You may fly me away with you, out of the house."

"Of course. And where would you like to go?"

"There's another house I know where they have more goodies."

"Let's go!" she said.

"There's a good friend, have a drink" said the Pirate, whose sincerity was real, but his understanding of a friend was limited to that friend's usefulness to him.

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