The Pirate sits forlornly. Apparently he did not stay in that harbor town. He misses his Brandy, wonders if she will ever be his again, and finds that his friend the Penguin has a new romance of his own. The Princess, of course, has married Kasper. Perhaps The Pirate will change his ways in time, but first, there is much drinking and carousing do be done over Halloween week.
Monday, October 27, 2008
The Pirate sits forlornly. Apparently he did not stay in that harbor town. He misses his Brandy, wonders if she will ever be his again, and finds that his friend the Penguin has a new romance of his own. The Princess, of course, has married Kasper. Perhaps The Pirate will change his ways in time, but first, there is much drinking and carousing do be done over Halloween week.
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