The Sailor tied The Pirate's hands (or hand and hook) behind his back (which he enjoyed just a litle too much, if you ask me) and tried to tie The Penguin's flippers, too, but they were a little short and slippery. The Penguin was too scared to do much, anyway.
"You have wronged the most noble lady in the kingdom," said The Magician. "You tarried with her and took her crown, and your accomplice, this Penguin, knows where it is."
"Arrr," growled The Pirate. "I know I have wronged a deserving woman, but I swear by every star in the sky I intend to make it up to her."
"And I swear by every fish in the sea that I do not know where the crown is," said The Penguin.
The Pirate continued: "Transport me to the fair lady I love though your magic, let me see her to tell her how I feel, and I will help you find that crown."
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