Maybe we should say, his only friend? I made the mistake of leaving the next puppet choice up to The Pirate, who chose himself. After some discussion, he said he would share with his friend, The Penguin. This is a remarkably tolerant creature, who has endured endless rounds of sea chanties and nursed The Pirate through many a hangover. They do enjoy going out for fresh fish together and enjoy watching Pittsburgh sports. Their taste in movies, however, differs widely. The Penguin enjoys nature documentaries about aquatic birds and The Pirate prefers rollicking high-seas adventures.
Before meeting The Pirate, The Penguin just went about his business catching fish and seemed to get along with everyone. He is now a bit of a lush and seems to annoy many of the other puppets when he passes out in inopportune places while he and The Pirate are on a bender.
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