Thursday, December 10, 2009


Nurse Martha did not hear the question. "I resent the idea that a boy of mine would not stand up for himself," scolded Gepetto.

Doctor Monkey re-focussed the meeting for his Clinic. "That Pinocchio could not stand up at all, but he will when he enters the Spine-O-Matic Yurt. It will be a different story."

Gepetto listened in and tried to intervene: "If he did not stand up, he was telling a story that was not true. Did you see his nose?"

"Can we get back to my role in all this?" Filberto said, impatiently.

"I am going to your offices and I expect to be let in within ten minutes," said Gepetto.

"Can you believe the ego?" said Filberto, in a stage whisper.

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